Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Kaden's 3rd Birthday

Kaden's Third Birthday went on for a few days, he had a party at school, with his family then on Saturday his party with friends. His party at school consisted of me taking in party hats and cupcakes (first picture). Then that night we had cake with our family. Kaden got Diego stuff, a soccer ball and a t-ball set (pictures 1-5). Then on Saturday we had a party at the park (pictures 6&7). His very best buddies "the 0ther Caden" and Zander came as well as Grandma and Grandpa and some family friends. We had pizza, cake and lots of fun.


Unknown said...

Wow little man you are three years old and wow i think you have changed the most, your are turning into a little charming young man.
Love you Auntie Teresa

Unknown said...

I would have to agree with Teresa, I can't believe how much he has changed since Christmas! What a big boy he has become!

The Gardiner's said...

It is hard to believe that you are already three. It seems like yesterday your little 6 week old cousin Evalyn was visiting you in the hospital when you were born. You both have grown into amazing kids and she misses her cousin very much. You are going to be a heartbreaker!!
Love you lots, Aunt Tara